

Blog pics 062

Eat an apple when you are feeling hungry as five grains of fibre in a medium apple will take the edge off your hunger.

In fact recent research has shown that if you eat an apple before your meal you will eat 187 calories LESS than those who didn’t eat one.

I adore apples so I’m definitely up for this trick…

16 thoughts on “AN UNUSUAL WEIGHT LOSS TIP…”

  1. Yep, I’m trying it from tomorrow, I’ve always got lots of apples in but it’s not something I would eat just before having a meal. Definitely like you say ‘worth a try’ 🙂 x


  2. I eat too many apples. 🙂

    By the way Barbara:

    What is the longest word in the English language?

    “Smiles”. Because there is a mile between its first and last letters!

    The woman was in bed with her lover and had just told him how stupid her Irish husband was when the door was thrown open and there stood her husband. He glared at her lover and bellowed, “What are you doing?” “There,” said the wife, “didn’t I tell you he was stupid?”


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