


Unless you have suffered from any form of neck pain it is very difficult to describe or even explain what it feels like.

After two cervical surgeries I looked everywhere for information on what to expect after, what could happen in later years and even now with the advantage of Google, there are not many sites dedicated to just ‘Neck Pain’.

Well that was until I found this site ‘Neck Pain Relief‘,where it explains that Neck pain, also sometimes referred to as Cervicalgia, may be present in many forms and be caused by various conditions.

For example neck pain related to the cervical spine may be caused by a pinched nerve, whiplash, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis or arthritis in the neck.

Neck pain caused by an infection can affect the throat and lymph glands and neck pain that directly affects the muscles is known as fibromyalgia.

It explains it clearly by neck pain by body part, get to know your condition and the treatment available and even a community area so you can chat with other people who suffer from neck pain.

It is without doubt the best site on neck pain.

4 thoughts on “NECK PAIN EXPLAINED…”

  1. Well you should know, Bar – I’m with Pete, this info is so helpful for other sufferers. Hope the pain levels are more manageable for you at present … hugs!


    1. Thanks gill, in a mess actually, back went out making the bed yesterday so can’t move much at the moment, but I’m sure it will settle soon (I hope) hope you and your family are well? xxx


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