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With the fast-paced life we all live these days, your health can take a backseat. And when your health, both mental and physical, takes a toll, your work will hit a bump and affect your performance. Hence, we bring to you this article where we will discuss workplace health hacks to help you take a step towards healthy and balanced living.

8 Effective Health Tips in the Workplace

Here are eight health tips to follow when you are at the workplace to avoid straining your physical and mental health:

1. Stay Hydrated 

Maintaining proper hydration can help you remain alert and energetic during your workday. Many individuals strive to consume eight to ten glasses of water daily, although the exact amount needed can vary depending on physical activity levels and the climate.

To stay well-hydrated, consider replacing your regular coffee or soda with a glass of water. Increasing your water intake at work can also keep you feeling full and reduce the urge to snack. Keeping a water bottle on your desk in front of your eyes will help you remind yourself to keep yourself hydrated at all times.

2. Make Your Own Lunch

It’s always a wise choice to eat homemade food than ordering food. Packing your own lunch gives you the authority to choose what goes inside your meal and helps you stay healthy and away from oily or fried snacks. If limited time in the morning keeps you from packing homemade food for lunch, you can prepare food the night before. This keeps you away from unhealthy food choices at the last moment due to time constraints.

3. Consider Smart Snacking

In addition to your lunch, consider bringing nutritious snacks. Planning your snacks in advance can help you steer clear of vending machine temptations. Healthier snack options include granola bars, fruits, nuts, and vegetables.

Moreover, eating snacks throughout the day, rather than relying on one large meal, can help maintain your energy levels. Having a small snack every two to three hours can prevent afternoon fatigue and excessive hunger.

4. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake

Some individuals find that drinking coffee during the workday helps them remain alert. However, this increased alertness is often temporary and can lead to a slump later in the day. Additionally, excessive coffee consumption can cause negative side effects for some people, including nervousness, restlessness, stomach discomfort, or dizziness, which can interfere with their work performance.

Reducing coffee intake might help you feel more energetic. Try limiting yourself to one cup in the morning and gradually decrease your consumption to avoid withdrawal headaches. You can also consider substituting coffee with healthier beverages, such as water or decaffeinated coffee and teas.

5. Maintain Good Posture Throughout the Day

Remaining seated at your desk for extended periods can lead to neck, shoulder, and back pain. To alleviate this discomfort, it’s beneficial to maintain proper posture and incorporate stretches into your daily routine. You can find desk-friendly postural stretches through research.

Be mindful of your posture and make adjustments if you catch yourself leaning towards your screen or slumping your shoulders.

6. Follow Smart Computer Hacks

Sitting in an office and constantly staring at the screen for the entire day strains your eyes. It’s essential to avoid this from happening. Below are a few tips that can help you avoid straining your eyes and practice mindful workplace health and wellness:

●   ​Take a break from the screen: Constantly staring at your computer screen without any breaks in between can cause blurry vision. Blurry vision feels like a blurry film over eyes. It’s advisable to adhere to the 20/20/20 vision guideline to maintain good eye health. Take regular breaks by focusing on an object at least 20 feet away for a duration of 20 seconds, every 20 minutes of screen time. This practice helps your eyes to readjust and relax, reducing strain.

●   ​Stretch your hands: Your hands also need a break, so it’s important to give them a break as well. Stretch your hands and rest them on your lap for a while.

●   ​Take regular breaks: Staying productive throughout the day doesn’t require constant desk-bound activity. Integrating periodic breaks into your routine can serve to rejuvenate your mind, enabling you to resume work with renewed vigor.

7. Avoid Lifts Whenever You Can

If your work keeps you busy on weekdays and prevents you from reaching your daily cardio goals, replacing the lift with stairs whenever you can will help increase your heart rate.

8. Clean Desk, Calm Mind

Maintaining a tidy workspace contributes to mental clarity by preventing distractions caused by clutter such as papers and miscellaneous items. It’s beneficial to allocate time at the close of each day for tidying up your workspace and stowing away unnecessary items that won’t be required the following day.

Take Care of Yourself

Prioritizing workplace health doesn’t always require massive overhauls or drastic changes. Remember, it’s the consistent application of these small changes that ultimately yield significant improvements in your workplace health.

Author Bio:

Aaron Barriga is the online marketing manager for Insight Vision Center. With a knack for understanding medical procedures and an interest in eye and vision health, Aaron loves to share what he knows and what he learns. He blogs to inform readers about the latest eye care technology and other topics related to eye care, especially LASIK. Aaron loves collecting coasters from the different bars and restaurants he visits during his travels.

Guest Post: Aaron Barriga – Digital Marketing Manager, InSight Vision Center

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