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Aspire are excited to have launched their 24th Aspire Channel Swim.  The original Channel challenge asks people to swim the distance of the English Channel – 22 miles over 12 weeks wherever they like to swim; in their local swimming pool, swimming lake or sea. 

Sign up!

The challenge runs from 18th September to 11th December and is free to sign up to.  Swimmers can take on the 22 miles by themselves or in a team with family and friends, their swimming club or swim school. Anyone of any age or swimming ability can take part.  Swimmers will receive a swim hat when they raise £10 and a medal if they raise £25 or more.

Angie, who is taking on her 11th Aspire Channel Swim says, “I love swimming because I love the water and the freedom it offers, the meditative state it brings and the relaxing and stress-relieving benefits, as well as general fitness and toning.  I enjoy the Aspire Channel Swim because it gives me the focus of swimming a certain distance within a certain time. I have a busy life and it gives me an ‘excuse’ to take time for myself to go swimming and to help a good cause.”

Aspire works with people with spinal cord injury to create opportunity, choice and independence. Aspire is a national charity that provides practical help to people who have been paralysed by Spinal Cord Injury. A spinal cord injury can happen to anyone at any time, and no one is prepared for how it will change their life. Aspire exists because there is currently no cure. 

Through its projects and programmes, Aspire offers practical support to the 50,000 people living with a spinal cord injury in the UK, from newly injured spinal cord injury patients in hospital and throughout their lives. This support allows people with spinal injury to lead fulfilled and independent lives in their homes, with their families, in their workplace and in leisure time.

For lots more information on what Aspire is up to and what other people are doing to help raise money for the charity head to their website here.

Source: Aspire

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