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5 top tips on how to manage arthritis from your home from consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Faisal Hussain from BMI The Priory and BMI The Edgbaston hospitals.

Mr Hussain explains that ‘more than 10 million people in the UK are living with arthritis.‘ His five top tips to improve your health and quality of life, allowing you to live better with arthritis are :

1. Keep Active

2. Get a good night’s sleep

3. Look after your mental well-being

4. Eat for health

5. Maintain a healthy weight

For a more detailed description of how to manage the above tips go to the BMI website here.

Everyday Health say some lifestyle changes can help you manage pain and they include the same tips as above but also say Get vitamin C. Studies have shown that vitamin C may be helpful in managing inflammation in the body. So dig into an orange or pour yourself a glass of grapefruit juice each day.

They also say Avoid alcohol. Don’t medicate yourself with alcohol to manage pain; it will only create more problems, and add calories to your diet.

Healthline suggest trying hot and cold therapy (details on this on their website), try acupuncture or meditation and include the right fatty acids for your diet. Everyone needs omega-3 fatty acids in their diet for optimum health. These fats also help your arthritis. Fish oil supplements, which are high in omega-3s, have been shown to reduce joint stiffness and pain. Also try adding turmeric to your recipes.

Another tip is to get a massage. According to the Arthritis Foundation, regular massaging of arthritic joints can help reduce pain and stiffness and improve your range of motion. Work with a physical therapist to learn self-massage, or schedule appointments with a massage therapist regularly.

There are many sufferers of Arthritis around the world. Together with Acorn Stairlifts, we provide some top tips of dealing with the pain associated with the condition.

Although it comes in many forms, arthritis is broadly defined as a condition which causes inflammation and pain in one or several of the body’s joints.

The condition is usually age-related, it can affect people of all ages. By far the most common type is osteoarthritis, sometimes called ‘wear and tear arthritis’ because it usually develops in older people whose joints have done more work. It most often affects the hips, knees, hands and spine.

There are various medications, treatments and complementary therapies which can help people with arthritis, but for most people living with the condition, pain management is an important part of their everyday lives.

By taking care about how you move and carry out everyday tasks and perhaps finding new ways to do things, you can reduce the stress on arthritic joints and minimise the pain they cause. As part of the booklet, Arthritis Care, a charity focused on helping suffers, lists seven top tips for using your joints well:

  1. Respect pain. If you have increased pain lasting at least a couple of hours after you’ve completed a task, try do a little less next time, or go about it in a way that takes less effort.
  2. Become aware of your body positions. It’s good to avoid being in one position for a long time, or any posture that makes you feel stiff. It can help to avoid activities that need a tight grip or put too much pressure on your fingers. Try using equipment that helps to reduce stress on joints, such as easy-turn taps, a pick-up reacher and raised seats.
  3. Try to maintain a healthy weight, as this helps to reduce stress on weight-bearing joints. It can lessen joint pain, and helps to avoid joint damage.
  4. Use your largest and strongest joints and muscles for daily tasks wherever possible. For example, use a bag with a shoulder strap across your back, rather than holding it in one hand.
  5. Try to balance rest with activity. Striking a good balance takes practice: take breaks as and when you need them, but avoid resting for too long as this can cause muscle stiffness.
  6. Simplify your work. Plan ahead, organise and create short cuts. At work, for example, try to make good use of break times to change your position, move around and relax.
  7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Take responsibility for yourself and ask for assistance when you need it.

One activity which can cause significant arthritic pain, especially if the condition affects weight-bearing joints in your hips, knees or ankles, is going up and down the stairs in your home. As well as causing pain and discomfort, it can also be dangerous if you no longer have full confidence in your joints and are concerned about falling. Consider investing in a stairlift, it will allow you to go up and down stairs in comfort and safety as often as you like, minimising the stress on arthritic joints and the pain it can cause.

Source: Mr Faisal Hussain from BMI The Priory and BMI The Edgbaston 

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