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As I am sure my readers are aware I am a true advocat for hobbies for pain but if you cannot get out to enjoy your hobbies then there are many books to choose from to try at home. Some of these books I may earn a commission from.

A great sewing project could start from Fat Quarters which are available in many shops and this book gives you lots of ideas on what to make with them. Fat Quarter: One-Piece Projects: 25 Projects to Make from Short Lengths of Fabric (Fat Quarter) available from Amazon for £11.75

Fat Quarter: One-Piece Projects – 25 Projects to make from Short Lengths of Fabric

Part of a fantastic series of stash-busting sewing books, here are 25 fabulous projects to make, all from fat quarters or fabric scraps. Each project has easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions and features beautiful photography, and there is also a handy tools and techniques section.

Projects include:

  • Oven glove
  • Child’s apron
  • Door stop
  • Magazine holder
  • Pencil case
  • Eye mask
  • Bedside lampshade
  • Slippers
  • Cot mobile
  • Child’s comforter

Adult colouring books are known for their mindfulness and there are lots around. Art Therapy: A Mindfulness Colouring Book (Art Therapy Colouring) available from Amazon for £6.99

Unleash your creative spirit with this mindful colouring, doodling and drawing book.

The flowing lines, sweeping swirls and highly detailed patterns on every illustration have been created so that anyone and everyone can enjoy making something beautiful and calming.

Increasing focus through creativity can benefit those who find it difficult to unwind or struggle to find their inner artist when faced with a blank page. In this book, there are no rights or wrongs, and no need for expensive art supplies – readers can simply doodle and colour in any way they wish to create unique and exquisite pieces.

Features intricate illustrations by bestselling artist Richard Merritt, whose books for LOM Art include The Menagerie (210,521 copies sold) and The Aviary (37,864 copies sold).

I am well and truly hooked on paint by numbers. Again, there are lots to choose from so shop around for the best bargains or have a custom made one of a picture of your own. This one of beautiful flowers gets my vote as I love painting flowers. Paint by Numbers for Adults,Flowers DIY Oil Painting by Numbers on Canvas for Gift and Home Decor 12X16 Inch (30x40cm) available from Amazon or other art shops from £9.99

Paint by numbers for adults does not require any painting foundation, and you can start painting your artwork after opening the package. Very simple and interesting, paint by number is a great hobby.

Maybe you just fancy doing puzzles and similar activities The Fun and Relaxing Adult Activity Book: With Easy Puzzles, Coloring Pages, Writing Activities, Brain Games and Much More…I thought this was a perfect book for someone who hasn’t tried any of its contents and who then might find they love doing them and take them up as a hobby. Included in this book are easy puzzles, brain games, writing activities and colouring pages. Available from Amazon and other good book stores £7.95

Some of the popular puzzles and brain games in this book include:

  • Word Searches
  • Spot the Odd One Out
  • Shadow Finder
  • Find the Differences
  • Logic Puzzles
  • Sudoku
  • Crosswords
  • Mazes
  • Trivia Challenges and more

There are also many colouring pages in this book including:

  • Interesting Designs
  • People
  • Flowers
  • Animals
  • Classic Items and more

In this activity book, there are also select writing activities. Topics include:

  • Favorite Concert
  • Dream Vacation
  • Beloved Pet
  • A Family Mystery
  • and More

Altogether, The Fun and Relaxing Adult Activity Book offers hours of entertainment for adults of all ages, from young adults to seniors.

Maybe you can manage to sew without it causing too much pain. Beautiful Botanical Embroidery, 30 exquisite nature-inspired designs for stitching onto bags, buttons, cushions and more by Alice Makabe – Available from Amazon and other good bookshops for £12.19

As embroidery continues to grow as a contemporary craft of choice, discover the beauty of botanical embroidery with this collection of 30 exquisite motifs and projects inspired by flowers, fruit, foliage and other natural forms. Stitch your way through an assortment of elegant designs organized by colour, from pinks and subtle yellows to lush greens and moody blues. Learn how to use specific embroidery stitches to replicate the textures and shapes of flowers, leaves and stems. The book includes full-size, easy-to-follow templates and a useful embroidery stitch guide. As well as the beautiful embroidery motifs, there are also project instructions for creating gorgeous bags, aprons, pillow covers, pincushions, pouches and more.

The embroidery artist/writer Alice Makabe tries to stitch every day to capture the special joys of the season, and this book is not only a celebration of her wonderful designs but is extremely easy to follow for you to have a go at it yourself. It has embroidery stitches and simple templates with instructions on how to make all of the above-listed items. A lovely gift for someone just starting out in embroidery.

I would love to try Calligraphy and Hand Lettering but I struggle has I have a bit of a hand tremor so I think this would not work for me. The Complete Guide to Modern Calligraphy & Hand Lettering for Beginners: A Step by Step Guide and Workbook with Theory, Techniques, Practice Pages and Projects to Learn to Letter. With the help of this book, you will learn the basics of creating alphabets in many different styles. By developing them, you will find your unique style, and learn how to transform your own lettering into beautiful works of art. You will have the opportunity to practice writing letters and words and to create and make your own beautiful masterpieces.

In this book you will find –

  • TECHNIQUES AND TIPS. Discover the best lettering tools, techniques and tricks.
  • THEORY AND EXPLANATION. Unlike many other books, we decided to include some theory and history on hand lettering so that you can fully understand and appreciate this art.
  • ALPHABETS AND PRACTICES. Exercise with 5 individual alphabets in various lettering styles, including upper and lower-case letters, that will teach you how to form each letter, turn those letters into words, and turn those words into works of art.
  • LARGE FORMAT AND QUALITY PAPER. Pages Dimensions 8.5″ x 11.0″ (21.59 cm x 27,94 cm) and good quality 60lb (90gsm) paper stock.
  • LETTERING PROJECTS. The last section of the book is filled with project pages for you to create your own works and to better understand how to structure the process of composition.
  • A SPECIAL GIFT FOR YOU. Included in the book, you will find 2 gifts to practise without limits and to stimulate your creativity for create your own projects. We are sure you will be thrilled!

It is available from Amazon at a very reasonable price of £7.95

There are many libraries in the UK that have knitting groups now called ‘Knit & Natter’ and are only for about one hour but if you want to learn some new techniques this book How To Knit: A Complete Guide for Absolute Beginners from Amazon for £7.95 There are also lots of groups on Facebook you can join. 

‘How To Knit: A Complete Guide for Absolute Beginners’ is the perfect introduction to knitting for beginners of all ages: With bright, modern, full colour illustrations, anyone can quickly learn to knit, learn a variety of new stitches and make a selection of cute and easy first knitting projects, including fabulous fingerless mittens, funky scarves, baby beanie hats, cute accessories, kids toys and lots more!

* Easy to follow How To Knit illustrations
* Fun and simple projects to make
* Learn a variety of knitting stitches and skills
* Perfect for absolute beginners
* Projects include easy hats, scarves, mittens, baby accessories cute knitted toys and more!

This is the ONLY beginner’s book you’ll need to start to knit today!!

If you felt it might be nice to knit for a charity then this book has a collection of charity related patterns and more. Cute Charity Makes: A knitting book for fundraisers: 1 (L.T.Marshall Knitting books) available from Amazon for £12.50

A collection of L.T.Marshall charity related knitted toys, for the lover of all things cute. Easy to follow patterns for flat knitted toys. 9 projects that are all individually adorable and yet work together as a very gorgeous collection and can be used for fundraising.

I had a try at learning crochet but I really could not get the hang of it but that has come back with a bang at the moment. There are some amazing books but for a beginner this Crochet for Beginners: From Novice Knots to Show-stopping Creations | Master Stitches, Patterns, and Techniques to Transform Your Home and Wardrobe with Tips from a Seasoned Artisan available from Amazon for £7.98

Dive into this handbook and unveil:

  • The 3 cornerstone techniques that even seasoned crocheters might overlook, positioning you ahead in your crafting journey.
  • Sidestep the pitfalls that 97% of rookie crochet enthusiasts stumble upon, ensuring your progress remains unhindered.
  • An interactive workbook, brimming with diverse hands-on challenges, transforming your crochet learning into a joyous, engaging endeavor.
  • 7 Exceptional strategies to decode and master the most prevalent crochet stitches, letting you weave tales of your artistic journey.
  • Acquire the finesse in crafting techniques in a minimal span, matching the prowess of a veteran crochet maestro.
  • BONUS: Exclusive access to detailed video tutorials, guiding you step-by-step through the world of crochet!

If the thought of navigating the intricate lanes of crochet feels daunting, fret not! This guide addresses typical dilemmas faced by greenhorn crafters, delivering seasoned advice and methodologies to guarantee a seamless crochet expedition.

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Tai Chi is listed as an ideal sport to try as it can help relieve some of the pain from arthritis and fibromyaglia. Tai chi, Pilates and yoga are great low-impact activities.

This ancient Chinese exercise is now being used to help people with arthritis. ‘Chi’ is Chinese for energy. It can help you to gain balance, strength and flexibility.

They focus on improving your balance and core strength. Generally, these activities are accessible to everyone no matter your age or ability.

It is also thought to help prevent falls among the elderly. The movements of tai chi are gentle, graceful and mystical and ideal for elderly people.

There are Dvd’s available by Paul Lam, ‘Tai Chi for Arthritis’. I wrote this article about in a previous post.

What are the health benefits of taking up Tai Chi? The non-competitive nature of tai chi has made it popular to many especially yoga lovers. It is also a suitable fitness choice amongst the older age cracker as it is low impact and puts minimal stress on muscles and joints, making it a safe form of fitness for those with health concerns as well as being classed as a means of exercise and can be done outdoors keeping safe and distant in the present time.

T’ai chi is an ancient Chinese martial art that focuses on slow, flowing movement from posture to posture. This liquid movement:

  • Relieves stress
  • Increases flexibility
  • Improves balance
  • Promotes a sense of centeredness and well-being

There is also evidence that suggests tai chi, Pilates and yoga can be beneficial if you have:

Exercise is a primary recommendation for fibromyalgia treatment, but many patients are worried that strenuous exercise can cause more pain. T’ai chi provides a good balance between gentle strength building and flexibility.

There are different types of tai chi which vary in speed and the poses you need to hold. If you attend a class you may find the teacher practises various styles and teaches tai chi in their own unique way.

A study from Australia showed that people experienced a 25% reduction in their pain intensity when they completed the tai chi program. The smooth, gentle movements help to relax you and keep your mind calm and focused.

To put it into perspective, 23% reported an improvement in their pain, and 32% reported an improvement in their disability after completing a Tai Chi course.

However, scientists believe that the ‘positive’ results only last for as long as the patient takes part in the Tai Chi exercises.

It is accessible to all ages and physical abilities and can be practiced on many levels, from a simple ‘meditative’ exercise to a martial art.

The best part is that you don’t even work up a sweat, even though you seem to be moving every muscle in your body. I found the breathing exercises extremely good.

As with Yoga, there are many different types of Tai Chi to choose from. Or look for a qualified UK tai chi instructor at the Tai Chi Union.

If you want to try it at home first there are a number of DVD’s you can follow. One excellent one is Tai Chi For Beginners, 8 Lessons with Dr. Paul Lam. Tai Chi for Health Institute (Dr. Paul Lam) has a great article on how tai chi helps with arthritis.

The NHS website suggest that it is a good idea to watch a class or attend a free taster session before signing up for a course. If you have a medical condition or any health concerns, or haven’t exercised for a long time, speak to your GP before you start tai chi. They also point out that it’s a good idea to learn the basics of tai chi from an instructor to make sure your style is correct, effective and won’t cause injury. You can consider using a book or DVD once you’re familiar with the poses.

Source: NHS Inform Back Pain Blog Tai Chi Union Amazon Tai Chi for Health Institute

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Chronic pain can come from painful areas of muscle that contain knots of muscle that form when the muscles do not relax (trigger points).

People suffering from Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain, Back Pain, Headaches and other muscle problems fall into this category. TPI (Trigger Point Injections) are used to treat the muscle pain in arms, legs, lower back and neck.

You may be offered a sedative before the procedure as this relieves anxiety and helps your relax although I’ve never needed nor been offered this. A consultant or health care professional using a small needle injects local anaesthetic which sometimes includes steroid into the trigger point.

The reason for this is that it makes the trigger point inactive and the pain alleviated and for some can result in quite a substantial relief.

Not all doctors give these injections in exactly the same way, but this is generally what will happen.

  • Observations, such as blood pressure and pulse rate, might be taken.
  • A small needle (cannula) might be placed in the back of your hand.
  • You will be carefully positioned, and the skin around the injection sites will be cleaned with an antiseptic solution or spray. This can feel very cold.
  • You will feel a stinging sensation as local anaesthetic is injected to numb the skin and surrounding tissues. Your doctor will warn you of this.
  • The doctor will direct the needles to the area suspected to be a source of pain.
  • When the injections are given, you might feel pressure, tightness or a pushing sensation. If there is any discomfort, let the doctor know.

You are soon allowed home after this procedure but you need a friend or relative to pick you up and stay with you for the first 24 hours after the injection(s). The pain may initially feel worse than before you had the injection, but that’s quite normal and is mostly temporary and settles within three to four days.

Some other problems can be infection, bruising, loss of sensation or muscle weakness but are hardly ever present and all treatable. Another side effect which I used to get is facial flushing from the steroid which only lasts a day or two then settles down again.

Although slightly unpleasant the benefits out way the short discomfort you feel as I can reduce my pain relief quite a bit over the next few months.