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Research has revealed that massage has various health benefits. Massage treatments can be utilized to assist with dealing with things like nervousness and sorrow, sleep deprivation, and bad posture.

Aromatherapy massage in particular is very popular for pain release. Aromatherapy is a combination of two words “aroma” which means smell or fragrance, and ‘therapy” which means treatment for the body, mind, or social condition of a person, to assist a process where healing and change can take place. People who are suffering from problems such as arthritis, or fibromyalgia can benefit from the service of therapist to improve their quality of life.

Massage is one of the most important activities that help people to recuperate from injuries. Wounds are converted into scar tissues hampering the movement of the body. Over a period of time, the muscles acquire strength and the healing occurs at a faster rate.

It is a method of healing using very concentrated essential oils that are often highly aromatic and are extracted from plants. On a personal note, I do find that aromatherapy massage helps with pain relief be it only for a short period of time. Some say that it’s a placebo effect but I do genuinely feel in less pain and more calm. Let’s put it this way, if I could afford a massage on a weekly basis I would have it booked in a second but once a month is a help to me for the time being.

The massage generally refers to the use of hands or other tools to rub and knead muscles and joints of the body, often to relieve tension or pain. Other types of massage include Swedish, Sports, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point, Hot Stone or Tai massage.

According to Rest Less Research shows that 20-minute massages are enough to see positive results. This means that the majority of professional massages – most of which tend to be around 50 minutes long – provide more than enough pressure to the body to experience optimal benefits.

Massage has so many benefits from relieving stress, anxiety, depression and helping you sleep better. It can help with chronic fatigue, give pain relief, and can boost your immune system. It can also improve your posture and relieve headaches and can be done on yourself or by using a massage gun or having treatment. I find massaging acupressure points of great benefit to me although I can obviously not reach certain areas.

A great home massage tip is to use a tennis ball, which can help with back and other muscle pains.

For self-massage, they suggest that you lie on a mat with two tennis balls under your back, and roll up and down. The balls then massage the muscles and ligaments around your spine. This then stretches the muscles and surrounding tissue, increasing blood flow and nutrients to the area to help ease the pain.

For specific acupressure using your tennis ball lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor or sofa if you cannot get onto the floor. Your knees should be separated by about the width of your hips. Then raise your hips slightly and slide the tennis ball under one of them. Come back down and rest on the ball. You can treat both sides of your body and the sides of your hips.

There is a great book on how to use self-massage with a tennis ball by Angie Sage ‘Tennis Ball Self Massage : Effective Trigger Point Therapy to Relieve Your Muscle and Joint Pain, available on Amazon

This book offers you lots to learn from what is Tennis Ball Self-Massage, Trigger Point Therapy for Head and Neck, Massage to Relieve a Headache, and Massaging the Neck., and Tigger Point Therapy for your Back, Shoulder, Arm, Forearm, Hand, Hip, Thigh and Knee and much more.

Massage guns are very popular at the moment but for someone treating themselves and already in pain then the best type to buy is the lightest you can find otherwise it will just aggravate your pain.

If you buy some of these products I may get a commission.

Source: Rest Less

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Homeopathy Awareness Week (HAW) takes place from 10th – 16th April, and is a celebration of homeopathy, a safe, gentle, natural system of medicine. April 10th was the day on which Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, was born. During Homeopathy Awareness Week, people from around the world will gather together to commemorate Hahnemann’s birth, and to raise awareness of how homeopathy can help to improve health and wellbeing.

Homeopathy Awareness Week is a really good time to find out more about this safe, gentle and natural form of medicine, which can be used by everyone, of all ages.

There are over 3,000 registered homeopaths in the UK, so there will be someone near you who can provide gentle, safe, natural and effective healthcare.

Homeopathy is natural, healthy, medicine and it has been used by millions of people for over two hundred years.

If you visit a homeopath, you will be treated as the unique individual that you are. Your homeopath will ask you lots of questions which helps them to understand the symptoms you are experiencing and understand more about your general level of health. This enables them to find out what medicine is right for you. Your homeopath will also want to know about you as an individual; things such as what makes you happy, what makes you sad, and how you react to life’s challenges in general.

When your homeopath has enough information about you, they will prescribe the appropriate medicine with the aim of stimulating your own body’s ability to heal. In other words, they will select a bespoke homeopathic medicine based on what is right for your particular individual needs.

Homeopathic medicines are made from a range of different natural substances, mainly from the plant kingdom. They are prepared in a way which makes them safe and free from harmful adverse reactions.

If you suffer from a health condition, and nothing you have tried so far seems to have worked, why not try homeopathy?

Did you know….?

· Homeopathy works! Worldwide, around 450 million people a year use homeopathy

· Homeopathy is natural medicine, and is safe for everyone to use, including babies, children, adults, the elderly, and women during pregnancy

· Homeopathy can be safely used to treat all sorts of health problems, from simple short term, but irritating conditions, such as coughs and colds, to more complex, long-term conditions. For complex or chronic conditions, you will need to consult with a registered homeopath.

· There’s plenty of evidence showing that homeopathy works, especially from patients asked to share their experience of using homeopathy

· Some studies where patients have been asked to confirm if homeopathy has helped them, suggest an impressive 70% improvement in overall health following homeopathic treatment!

· It’s fine to use homeopathy alongside other forms of medicine

· Because homeopathic medicines are made in a very special way, they are safe, and rarely cause unwanted side-effects

· Homeopathy has been part of NHS provision since 1948. This means there are lots of patient records which show that homeopathy works!

Source : Homeopathy Awareness Week

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With everything that is going on in the world today it is no surprise than many people are feeling low. The dark short and sunless days just add to a feeling of lowness. But, the simple act of writing can actually help overcome some of the blues you maybe suffering.

February 7th 2024 is National Send A Card To A Friend Day –  it reminds us to send friendly cheer through the mail. We do that by sending a note or message on a card to the friends we hold dear. So, if your not a writer or interested in writing the simple act of sending a card to a friend with a note inside would do the trick.

There is no need for an elaborate letter to your friend. While it’s nice to fill your friends in on all the details of your life, a simple postcard to check in with your friends is also a great way to celebrate National Send a Card to a Friend Day. It’s simple and to the point, but still a sweet gesture.

Maybe take some time to make your own cards which is another theraputic hobby for many pain sufferers. Just hearing that card come through the letter box could put a smile on someones face and redevelop friendships of years gone by.

National Send a Card to a Friend Day is the perfect opportunity to show your friends how much they mean to you. 

Obviously, it is certainly no surprise to read that people who suffer from chronic pain can also suffer from feeling depressed at times which will be worse at this time of year.

Research shows that an act of kindness demonstrates our concern for another’s vulnerability. It can help someone feel appreciated and has the power to reduce stress, improve mood, self-esteem and happiness.

I am sure many of you, like myself have written notes in your Christmas cards last year. I have a slight tremor in my right hand which means my writing is far from neat so I typed my messages out and popped them in with the cards. One of my friends wrote back with a long and newsy letter and I found out more from that letter this year than I have found out over the past 10 years. It made me want to write back straight away to give her more of my news and thank her for the lovely letter.

The post is expensive so if you cannot afford a stamp then send an email letter instead as it can be just as nice. You can dress up your email to make it look pretty if you think it looks a bit business-like.

Think of someone you know or someone you know are low at the moment or on their own and contact them somehow to make their day. Or just send one card to your best friend.